CurrentlyI'm currently in 4th year at "X university", and my ambition is to start my career workworking as a R&D project manager abroad at the start of my career. This is why, during my 5th year, I would like to study international managementInternational Management and marketingMarketing at "Y University".

trainingcourse would allow me to understand client’sclients' issues in a rigorous manner and to take charge of them, but alsoas well as to optimize management and communication within the teams that I would be likely to manage.
Y University offers a variety of courses on nanomaterials
. Nanomaterials open up many possibilities, which are particularly suited for research and industry. I am particularlyespecially interested in this technology because the fields of application are plenty and varied. However, the environmental repercussions are little known and poorly understood, and I would like to take part in the development and study of nanomaterials that are less dangerous for the environment and our health, while keeping their effectiveness. Therefore,The courses given at Y University would allow me to acquire the knowledge necessary to carry out this project, whether from a scientific or a socio-economic point of view.

The text above was approved for publishing by the original author.

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